I've added a couple of new features to the server, which I am hoping will add to the immersiveness of our games. First, I have added in Charlie's Item Appearance Changer, which will let you customize the look of your character's items. Click on the screenshot to the left for a full-sized image, which should give you somewhat of an idea how it works if you're not already familiar with it. I stumbled upon this on a persistent world, and was pretty impressed.
Next, I've added in backpacks, by MisterBritish. You can see the backpacks in action below. Again, click on the screenshot for a full-sized image. The first image shows the "Adventurer's Backpack" from three different angles. The second screenshot shows the warrior's backpack (which is really a weapon sheath for the back), the mage's backpack, and the rogue's backpack. All of the backpacks go in the cloaks slot, so you can't wear a backpack and cloak at the same time as best I can tell.
These too I discovered while on a persistent world. I think getting out and about for a bit was a nice change, and gave me some other new ideas as well.
Both of these additions will be available soon via a WorldGate update (but not yet, so updating now won't get you anything). I will post back here when they are ready.