This weekend is a holiday weekend in the U.S., so before I post the game page, please report in this thread whether you are available or not.
Also, a hotfix was released for patch 1.23, so please run the updater to get that.
This weekend is a holiday weekend in the U.S., so before I post the game page, please report in this thread whether you are available or not.
Also, a hotfix was released for patch 1.23, so please run the updater to get that.
There won't be a game on August 30, 2009, but not because I won't have enough building done (although that might have been the case). Instead, my wife reminded me today that we'll be in Pittsburgh for a birthday this weekend. Look for the next game to most likely be in two weeks, on September 6. (And, as a reminder, we should be in the home stretch now). {mos_fb_discuss:14}
The session summary for the August 23 session is up. As crazy as the last few weeks have been, I didn't get much NWN2 time, and therefore I have some work to do to be ready for the next session. I should know by mid-week. All but a few interior areas are built, so it is a matter mostly of fine tuning and populating. I will let you know once I see how much I get done the next few nights.
The registration page for the August 23 session is up. Please sign up if you can make it, or post in the Session Availability section of the forums if you can't. The sooner you know your availability the better. The roleplay forum is also up.
Today's session is postponed, as 3 of our 6 regulars have scheduling conflicts. For now, assume that we'll play next Sunday, the 23rd. I'll double check my schedule and then post the registration page once I'm sure.{mos_fb_discuss:14}
The registration page for the August 16 session is up. You've just equipped yourself for the ball, hoping it will help you gain access to the Governor's dungeon. Please sign up if you can make it, or post in the Session Availability section of the forums if you can't. I'm aware that BlueSlaad and Bedeo can't make it, so if we have one more who can't, we'll postpone until next week. For that reason, the sooner you know your availability the better.
Well, this week has sucked. The next game will be two Sundays from now, on August 16. I'll get the registration page up in a bit.{mos_fb_discuss:14}
The session summary for the August 2 session is up. I will try to let you know by Tuesday when the next session is. Most likely, it won't be next weekend, as I have some big events coming up at work starting the 10th, and will be very busy this week getting ready. But, if I should get on top of things in the next day or two, then we will play. I will let you know.{mos_fb_discuss:14}
The registration page for the August 2 session is up. You are trying to find a way into the Governor's palace so that you might rescue Kar, who hopefully still has the note that might show the way to the hidden keep. Please sign up if you can make it, or post in the Session Availability section of the forums if you can't. The sooner you know your availability the better, but please try to sign up or indicate that you're not available no later than the morning of the session.
The session summary for the July 19 session is up, and the roleplay forum for the August 2 session has been posted. I will get the registration page for the August 2 session up soon.