The session summary for the November 23 session is up, and the roleplay forum for the December 7 session has been posted. The registration page for the December 7 session will go up in a day or two.
The session summary for the November 23 session is up, and the roleplay forum for the December 7 session has been posted. The registration page for the December 7 session will go up in a day or two.
Some of you may have noticed the new poll to the right (below the list of WorldGate files) that asks about the settings at which you view the site. If you weren't aware, you can change both the font size of text, and the width of the text area, by clicking on the options at the top of the screen, above the header image, just to the left of the site search box. There are three sizes for fonts, and two for site width.
I almost forgot that there is a new hak with this module. That hak wasn't uploaded with the WorldGate update I posted earlier in the week. It is now online, so please run WorldGate again. The name of the hak, which will show up in your Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/hak folder, is z3_hak_001.hak. I uploaded it at 4:45 pm Eastern time today, if you're not sure if you ran WorldGate before or after I uploaded it. You also can just check your hak folder to see if you have already downloaded it. {mos_fb_discuss:14}
So that players both with and without Storm of Zehir can log into the server on Sunday, please patch to 1.21 via the official updater in the NWN2 launcher. The NWN2 patcher program from the Vault might work, too, although I haven't looked into it. As noted previously, Storm of Zehir won't be required for this session (but you can still log in if you do have it installed), but will be required for the one on December 7. {mos_fb_discuss:14}
A WorldGate update is ready, so please run WorldGate prior to Sunday's session. This update will download into your documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/pwc directory. All other pwc files previously used are no longer needed (for now at least - if you have room, you may want to hang on to them unless you don't mind downloading them again in the future). If this is your first time running WorldGate for the campaign, it will also add the haks listed on the front page into your hak directory as well. Let me know if you run into any problems with the update. {mos_fb_discuss:14}
I plan to buy and install the new expansion on my building/DMing machine as soon as tomorrow, but will avoid building with any expansion content prior to this Sunday's session. As long as I don't build with expansion content, you will be able to log onto the server on Sunday even if you don't have the expansion (or so says Obsidian). There is an official NWN2 patch that will be out which will bring everyone (expansion and non-expansion) to the same version level. After Sunday's session, though, I may build with the new expansion assets, so Storm of Zehir will be required for the December 7 session. As noted previously, there is no session on November 30. {mos_fb_discuss:14}
The campaign is set to resume. The registration page for the November 23 session is up, and the roleplay forum for that session has been posted. If you can't make it, please let us know in the Session Availability section of the forums.
So that everyone can plan ahead, please assume that the campaign will resume on either November 23 (most likely) or December 7, depending on how far I get this week with building. November 30 is Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S., when many people travel, so we won't start on that Sunday. I am targetting November 23, but we will see. My goal is also to open the session roleplay thread this week, with experience point bonuses for posting leading up to the session.
With nightiner having to drop out, and Fugitive missing, I've invited Sir Chet to join the campaign. Sir Chet attended an irc chat session on DMing back during NWCon4, and expressed interest in joining the campaign. Please give him a warm welcome.
A bit late, the session summary for the October 8 session is up. I made good progress on the module this weekend, and I should be able to open the roleplay forum soon, which will take place with your appearance at the portal destination.